Spotlight on Chris Dohl

We hope you’re ready to meet the next member of our Leadership Team. Today we are putting the spotlight on VP Chris Dohl! Chris is a major asset to the leadership team and is all about processes, order, and getting to the facts of the matter. If Mike is the idea man, Chris is the nuts and bolts of the machine. Find out more about Chris below.

Position: Number 2, VP, program lead extraordinaire

Work related passion: Fanatical focus on the science of sales as a process. Practicing the mantra, “Monitor it. Improve it. Results are guaranteed.”

Education: A Delaware Blue Hen who was captain of the Men’s Swim Team

Motto: “Ship It.”

Favorite challenge: My passion is growing different businesses. Working with the nuances of clients’ strengths, weaknesses, resources, and competitive landscapes is a continual challenge and learning experience.

Big move: In 2006, I left a 2 billion dollar business to join a 6 person distribution and sales company, Alias in its infancy. From large and secure to small and exciting.

What employees say about Chris: “Chris is someone you definitely want on your team. He is the ultimate maximizer of any situation and will fight for a win every time." -NM

What Chris wants for the future: “To be a part of something that people want to write a case study on. Become the best at something and share it with as many clients as possible.”

When Chris Isn’t Working: Taking time for yourself is critical to managing appropriate stress levels in life. I love to golf and enjoy my children’s multiple hobbies and activities that take me from the stage to grass fields and of course a pool deck.

Chris’ knack for pushing people when they need it, asking the questions that drive a point home, and nailing down a process are what puts the gas in the tank and the accelerator on the floor. Like a yin to a yang, Chris’ leadership style perfectly complements Mike’s to create a well-rounded, successful duo. Get to know Chris and all the members of The Alias Group by checking back here for more Spotlights.
