Truth In Clichés: Four Truths That Stick With You Through Thick and Thin

We’ve read them, written them, said them, and probably shared them on social platforms. Clichés are those trite little sayings that are overused to the point of meaninglessness. Writing teachers tell students some “tongue in cheek advice” to “avoid cliches like the plague”. But maybe we’re “throwing the baby out with the bathwater” by writing clichés off completely. Perhaps there’s “more than meets the eye” with at least these four clichés that “cut to the quick” of good business sense.

“Know which side your bread is buttered on.”

Certain clients can open new doors for you, certain employees can expand your services, and certain individuals can position you to be noticed. Beyond not “biting the hand that feeds you” this cliché encourages you to take note of those who are or can add value to your life and makes sure you’re doing the same for them.

“Never put off until tomorrow what you can do today.”

Procrastination can be a deal breaker. Literally. By avoiding what needs to be done now, you could be taking risks you’re not even aware of. Following through is a key characteristic of someone who not only sees the big picture but also acts in its best interest instinctively. Creating rationale to justify your stalling? “That dog don’t hunt”. So “bite the bullet” and “get the job done”.

“A rose by any other name would smell as sweet.”

Change doesn’t happen just because you want it to and calling something by a different name doesn’t actually alter the reality. In other words, if you want to jump on the “flat culture” bandwagon, but everyone still knows there are actually managers, you’ve just lived the truth of this cliché. To make change effective, begin by “separating the wheat from the chaff” and get to what matters.

“Sometimes you are the windshield; sometimes you are the bug.”

Not every day is going to be the best one. There are going to be times in your professional life when you can “handle anything thrown at you”, but there will also be times when you “can’t win for losing”. Accept both and know that balance and perspective are what will keep you going on those days when you’re the proverbial bug.

So, there you have it. I hope you “catch my drift” and see that pulling some kind of wisdom from clichés is possible and isn’t getting “blood from a stone”. You don’t have to agree. We’re just here to “lead the horse to water”.