The Alias Group | Salesforce Lightning Migration
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Salesforce Lightning Migration

The Lightning Experience is more than just a user experience update from Salesforce. The lightning platform offers new features that can integrate your most common sales and marketing tasks more seamlessly into Salesforce and make your sales operations more efficient across the board. It’s not a battle between opposing forces: Salesforce Lightning vs. Classic. Lightning is the most natural next evolutionary growth period for Salesforce.


The Alias Group Consulting Services - Lightning Migration Management

The Alias Group makes your Salesforce switch to lightning easy by migrating the Lightning features that make sense for how your sales team creates opportunities. Salesforce lightning benefits include centralizing all of a user’s tasks and priorities in one place while transforming operations to be more responsive to real-time analytics and customer service demands.


Why switch from Classic?

You may be asking yourself what benefits you’ll get from Salesforce Lightning. The truth is, the benefits far outweigh the effort of Lightning migration. With Lightning, you feel more in control of your customers and contacts because you are more in control. Alias will help you create a user experience made for you that improves workflow and productivity. Once you commit to Lightning, you’ll find it makes everyone’s job easier and more intuitive while also delivering on dashboards and reporting that makes your data more actionable every day.


Here are some top Lightning user benefits:

  • Design for ease of use (therefore, improved adoption)

  • Homepage customization (intelligent homepage)

  • Improved visual reporting (dashboards)

  • Better data entry

  • Smarter views (Kanban views)

  • Drag and drop functionality to build apps

  • Activity timeline gives better view to sales reps & managers

  • Paths that guide reps through the steps of the sales process


Salesforce Lightning Services​

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SALESFORCE Lightning Migration 

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